YKA signs strategic sponsorship deal with Bahrain Polytechnic

A strategic sponsorship was announced between Y K Almoayyed & Sons (YKA) and Bahrain Polytechnic at the learning institute’s recent Career Week.

The event provided a valuable platform for students, graduates and job seekers to engage with company representatives and explore career opportunities across various fields.

Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture Minister engineer Wael Al Mubarak, along with Bahrain Polytechnic chief executive Dr Ciaran O Cathain visited the YKA stand. During their visit, they presented a token of appreciation to YKA chief executive Alok Gupta acknowledging the company’s significant contributions and support.

“As a recent recipient of the ‘Best Places to Work’ in Bahrain certification, YKA continues to demonstrate its commitment to fostering talent and providing a nurturing environment for professional growth,” said a YKA spokesperson.

“This sponsorship is part of the company’s ongoing efforts to support educational initiatives and empower the next generation of professionals.”

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