Sabic launches new high-density polyethylene with recycled content


Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (Sabic) has introduced a new high-density polyethylene - HDPE T3K01B - with mechanically recycled content within the Trucircle product package, as part of its commitment to contribute to enhancing the plastic circular economy.
The new material was developed specifically for engine oil and lubricant packaging manufactured through inflatable molding technology and contains approximately 30% of mechanically recycled plastic after consumption, reported SPA. 
The initiative contributes to boosting the transition towards the completion of the plastic packaging waste handling cycle in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s automotive services market, it stated.
General Manager of Engineering Thermoplastics and Market Solutions Abdullah Al-Otaibi stressed the Sabic's commitment to accelerating the transition towards solutions that enhance the circular economy of after-sales services in the automotive sector, noting that this transition not only promotes innovation, but also requires cross-value chain collaboration to implement worthy initiatives to complete the cycle of handling plastic waste, such as Trucircle initiative.
Al Otaibi noted that this project is the first of its kind for mechanical recycling aimed at creating a strong and sustainable new business model in the KSA and demonstrates the feasibility of expanding circular solutions and shared expertise to prolong plastic life and restore value from oil packaging waste after consumption.
Sabic's launch of HDPE T3K01B promotes its Trucircle initiative solutions and services, comprising mechanically recycled materials, plastic waste cycle completion initiatives, recycling design services, certified circular products manufactured from advanced recycling of used plastics and bio-feedstock certified renewable polymers.

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