HEALTH MATTERS: Summer: The importance of sun protection

Sun-kissed skin, a symbol of summer fun and relaxation, holds a darker secret.

American Mission Hospital (AMH) dermatologist Dr Bhartendu Mehta wants us to remember that while basking in the sun’s warmth can feel rejuvenating, the consequences of overexposure can be devastating.

As the rays penetrate our skin, they trigger a cascade of events, from the immediate redness of sunburn to the long-term damage that manifests as wrinkles, discolouration, and even skin cancer.

“It’s not just about the recent exposure,” Dr Mehta warns, “but the cumulative effects throughout life.”

Each moment under the sun, unprotected, adds another layer to the burden our skin carries.

While a sun-kissed glow may seem like a badge of health, it’s actually a sign of injury. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation damages our skin cells, and the tan we develop is a desperate attempt to protect ourselves. But it’s a losing battle.

Dr Mehta reminds us that the sun’s rays are most potent between 10am and 3pm, but even cloudy days can pose a risk.

Children, with their delicate skin and seemingly endless hours spent outdoors, are particularly vulnerable. Studies show that most of our lifetime sun damage occurs before the age of 18. It’s a stark reminder that sun protection is a crucial aspect of safeguarding our children’s future health.

So, what can we do?

The answer, thankfully, is straightforward. Slathering on sunscreen with an SPF of 25 or higher, seeking shade during the sun’s peak hours (11am to 3pm), and donning protective clothing like hats and sunglasses can dramatically reduce our risk.

As Dr Mehta puts it, “Tanning should be discouraged,” and if you must pursue a bronzed look, do so gradually and with adequate sunscreen.

The message is clear: sun safety is not just a matter of vanity, but of health and longevity.

Let’s choose to enjoy the sun responsibly, safeguarding our skin from the silent damage that accumulates over time.

Let’s teach our children to do the same, giving them the gift of healthy skin for life.

The sun will always be there to greet us, but our skin’s resilience is not infinite. It’s time to embrace sun safety as a way of life, not just a seasonal afterthought.

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